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The Hidden Lives of WorkplaceInsured Americans

the burning question...

When Americans with employer-sponsored health insurance delay care for financial reasons, what is the impact on their home and work lives?

Curious to uncover the truth, Paytient commissioned Nonfiction Research to conduct a study.

Here's what they found...
read the report

Who are ‘WorkplaceInsured Americans’?

Americans with employer-sponsored health insurance.
Nearly one fifth make more than $100,000
46% hold managerial positions or higher
A majority of respondents make more than the average American

What you'll find

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    Workplace-Insured Americans are struggling in ways they often don’t talk about to their closest friends

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    This struggle is bleeding into the workplace in ways that employers have no idea about

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    There may be ways to address this struggle, short of a healthcare revolution

Key study findings

For many, there is an assumption that if someone in the United States has a full-time salary and employer-sponsored health insurance then they can afford their own healthcare. The findings of this research suggest otherwise.


Workplace-Insured Americans did not meet their single coverage deductible in 2023.

As a result
healthcare costs are falling predominantly onto employees.

of Workplace-Insured Americans have delayed care due to how much it would cost them.

Of the 40% suffering with hidden pain...

Woman behind glass with rain looking out a windowblack and white image of a person's eyes with curly hairClose up of a man's nose and lips
delayed their regular visits and check-ups
have still not gotten all of the care they needed
said their health got worse by choosing delayed care
said that treatment for the same condition became more expensive

Real stories of delayed care

x-ray of a mouth and teeth

“I had to glue a temporary crown in every day and that glue wasn’t exactly industrial glue or anything, it was one you got from Walmart.”

– Interviewee, to Nonfiction
A man with a straight face

“Both my parents died in their 40s from heart attacks. I had been having some chest pain and was ordered to have a stress test. I was told I would have to pay $250 up front. I still haven’t had the test.”

– A 42 year old Interviewee, to Nonfiction
black and white image of hands with palms up together

“I left work one day because my blood sugar was too high because I couldn’t afford my insulin, and then I ended up in the emergency room overnight.”

– Interviewee, to Nonfiction
Black and white photos of a shopping cart at a grocery

“For two years, I worked as a cashier at CVS ringing people up so I could afford my chronic care medication. I am an engineer with a masters degree, and I had to work a second job as a cashier.

– Interviewee, to Nonfiction
Woman longingly looking out of a window

“I kind of laughed to myself in misery when I was told how much it was. I was so depressed about it that all I could do was laugh because I didn’t know what other response I could do to this thing that wouldn’t make me feel like crap.”

– Interviewee, to Nonfiction
Close up of a man's nose and lips

“I needed to get my tooth pulled but the out of pocket cost had me push it off for years. I suffered with pain and how I ate for years until I was able to get it done.”

– Interviewee, to Nonfiction
Woman and her cat looking out of a window

“I just hope there’s nothing seriously wrong because I would put off going to the emergency room or the doctor… I always think of the cost over my health.”

– Interviewee, to Nonfiction
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Workplace-Insured Americans told us that their work has been affected because of a health issue they couldn’t afford to treat.

In fact
17% of Workplace-Insured Americans have left their jobs to afford better healthcare.

Employers lose on average

6.3 hrs

per employee per week

The cost of delayed care
is equivalent to billions of dollars per year for American employers. Read the study to see the breakdown.
Man silhouetted in a rainy windowA woman looking stressedClose up of a woman's lips

Discover the hidden truth.

Experience firsthand testimonials and explore comprehensive data to understand the toll delayed care takes on the lives of Workplace-Insured Americans and the companies they serve.

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Discover the impact of HPAs

Discover how Health Payment Accounts (HPA) like Paytient are unlocking access to care for millions of Americans. HPAs encourage earlier treatment across the employee workforce.

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