Rural Community Hospital Puts Healthcare Within Reach
Recently our team spent some time in Marshall, Missouri, with our friends at Fitzgibbon Hospital, one of Paytient’s earliest clients. Being there, we saw first hand how our mission is alive and well, helping folks access and afford the care they need to live healthier lives.
Spelling It Out: Paytient vs. HRAs
Providing employee healthcare benefits comes with a lot of responsibility—and acronyms, for that matter. In the final installment of this 3-part series, we'll compare the features of a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) to those offered by Paytient, then discuss how they each help employers present their people with more flexible healthcare payment opportunities.
Spelling It Out: Paytient vs. FSAs
Providing employee healthcare benefits comes with a lot of responsibility—and acronyms, for that matter. In the second installment of this 3-part series, we'll compare the features of a flexible savings account (FSA) to those offered by Paytient, then discuss how they can complement one another to help employers present their people with more flexible healthcare payment opportunities.
Spelling It Out: Paytient vs. HSAs
Providing employee healthcare benefits comes with a lot of responsibility—and acronyms, for that matter. In the first installment of this 3-part series, we'll compare the features of a health savings account (HSA) to those offered by Paytient, then discuss how they can complement one another to help employers present their employees with more flexible healthcare payment options.