Financial Wellness
Payroll Deductions: A Healthier Way to Pay for Healthcare
When you hear ‘payroll deductions’, you might think of voluntary deductions like your health insurance premiums or 401k contributions. But if you’re struggling to afford the out-of-pocket cost of your healthcare, it might be worth considering how payroll deductions can offer a healthier option than credit cards, loans, or not getting the care you need.
Helping America’s Educators Afford Medical Care
It’s no secret that America’s educators are overworked and underpaid. Even before the coronavirus pandemic upended the education system, teachers were starting to reach a breaking point, evidenced by widespread teacher strikes and protests in 2018 and 2019.
Priced Out of Coverage: What to Do If Your Employees Can’t Meet Their Deductibles
Employer-sponsored health insurance remains the main source of health insurance in the United States, covering about 153 million working Americans and their families. In fact, it’s often the reason for taking one job over another: 46% of Americans surveyed said they chose their current jobs because of the health insurance offered.
Insufficient Funds… When HSAs Aren’t Enough to Cover Deductibles
Many employers offer Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) as a component of their health plans. Some will even offer to contribute, or match employee contributions, as an extra incentive to take advantage of this benefit. Theoretically, contributing to an HSA should help employees cover out-of-pocket medical expenses, including their deductibles.
What Happens When You Remove Cost as a Barrier to Care for Your Employees?
Are you doing everything you can to support your employees’ overall wellbeing? Sure, you might say. We offer great health insurance and a flexible work environment. We compensate our employees fairly and encourage everyone to use their PTO.